Game Show Network is a multimedia entertainment company that offers original and classic game show programming to folks just about everywhere in America. This homebrew lets you download and install original pkg files on the PS Vita. As per suggestion above, you can always delete the Chinese games and install your own games downloaded from via PKGj v. com: Welcome to the Official Site for DC. md, to quote: pkgj pkgj allows to install original pkg files on your Vita. Jack Hughes ran through the media gauntlet in Chicago, representing the Devils for the first time at the League event. Pour rappel, 'Pkgj' est le Freeshop de la PSVita et vous devez toujours installer le plug-in npdrm_free. Spend hours playing free games on USA TODAY. The unofficial fork has brought features that were not available on the original pkgi, including DLC. Official New Jersey Devils Website | NHL.